Concise Selina Solutions for Class 6 maths Chapter 6 Negative numbers and Integers

An integer is defined as a number that has no fractional part and no digits after the decimal point. An integer can be positive, negative or zero. Integers are the set of whole numbers and their opposites. Whole numbers less than zero are called negative integers. The integer zero is neither positive nor negative, and has no sign. Two integers are opposites if they are each the same distance away from zero, but on opposite sides of the number line.

In mathematics, a negative number is a real number that is less than zero. Negative numbers represent opposites. If positive represents a movement to the right, negative represents a movement to the left. If positive represents above sea level, then negative represents below sea level. These have a minus sign (-) in front of them to indicate that they are less than zero (for example, -10 or 'minus 10'). You cannot multiply a number by itself to get a negative number. To get a negative number, you need one negative and one positive number. The rule works the same way when you have more than two numbers to multiply or divide. An even number of negative numbers will give a positive answer.