Concise Selina Solutions for Class 6 maths Chapter 22 Simple Linear Equations

Linear equations are equations of the first order. These equations are defined for lines in the coordinate system. An equation for a straight line is called a linear equation. The general representation of the straight-line equation is y=mx+b, where m is the slope of the line and b is the y-intercept. In this leaflet, we look at the solution of simple linear equations in one variable - this means there will be no x2 terms and no terms involving higher powers of x. To solve such an equation means to find a value for x which makes the left- and right-hand sides equal.

In this leaflet, we look at the solution of simple linear equations in one variable - this means there will be no x2 terms and no terms involving higher powers of x. There will be no functions of x such as sin x, . For example, we will see how to solve the equation 3x + 15 = x + 25. To solve such an equation means to find a value for x which makes the left- and right-hand sides equal.