NCERT Solutions for Class 4 maths Chapter 3 A Trip to Bhopal

NCERT solutions of class 4 chapter 3 are all about a trip to Bhopal and what is required in this trip. Like, the number of buses needed, distance calculation, time calculation, Quantity of diesel filled, etc. It includes hundreds of questions, multiple mock tests, etc. It is a fun solving problem when we know what the chapter talked about. With questions regarding the trip to Bhopal and the bus trip with the children filled in it, this adventurous chapter brings along a series of questions and easy to solve topics which will boost up your concentration when it comes to observing details. A Trip to Bhopal contains example such as; Find the number of oranges, biscuits, etc. distributed. A small Ant climbs two steps slides back down two steps, total how many steps covered. All the study materials are in PDF format and easy to download.