ML Aggarwal Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 9 Logarithms

In mathematics, the logarithm is the inverse function to exponentiation. That means the logarithm of a given number x is the exponent to which another fixed number, the base b, must be raised, to produce that number x. In simple cases, the logarithm counts multiplication factors. For example, the base 10 logarithm of 1000 is 3, as 10 to the power 3 is 1000 (1000 = 10×10×10 = 103)

Logarithms were invented in the 17th century as a calculation tool by Scottish mathematician John Napier (1550 to 1617), who coined the term from the Greek words for ratio (logos) and number (arithmos). They were rapidly adopted by navigators, scientists, engineers, and others to perform computations more easily, using slide rules and logarithm tables. Tedious multi-digit multiplication steps can be replaced by table look-ups and simpler addition because of the fact—important in its own right—that the logarithm of a product is the sum of the logarithms of the factors:

logb(xy) = logb(x) + logb(y)

Much of the power of logarithms is their usefulness in solving exponential equations. Some examples of this include sound (decibel measures), earthquakes (Richter scale), the brightness of stars, and chemistry (pH balance, a measure of acidity and alkalinity).