ML Aggarwal Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 2 Fractions and Decimals

We use fractions all the time in real life. A fraction is a power of ten, where the denominator (the bottom number) (such as 10, 100, 1000, etc.). You can write decimal fractions with a decimal point (and no denominator), which make it easier to do calculations like addition and multiplication on fractions.
A fraction is part of a whole. It's less than 1 whole thing, but more than 0. A fraction is written in the form: a / b where a is the numerator, and b is the non-zero denominator. The line separating the numerator and denominator is the fraction bar. The numerator represents the number of equal parts, and the denominator indicates the number of parts makes up a whole. This topic will help you understand how to talk about them, how to perform computations on them and operation such as addition and subtraction of fractions.
Decimals are used in situations which require more precision than whole numbers can provide. A decimal is any number in our base-ten number system. The decimal point is used to separate the ones place from the tenths place in decimals. A good example of this is money: Three and one-fourth Rupee is an amount between 3 Rupees and 4 Rupees. We use decimals to write this amount as Rs 3.25. A decimal may have both a whole-number part and a fractional part. The whole-number part of a decimal is those digits to the left of the decimal point. The digits represent the fractional part of decimal to the right of the decimal point.